Second World War

  • 9.15 a.m. Welcome with coffee and gingerbread at brasserie Onder De Brug
  • 10 a.m. Visit to experience centre De Brug.
  • noon Lunch at brasserie Onder De Brug.
  • 3 p.m.

Visit to the casemates of Maastricht with air-raid shelter exhibition.
Between 1575 and 1825, a network of passages and mine galleries was created on the west side of Maastricht: the casemates. Just like moles in the ground, people in the 18th century dug a fourteen-kilometre tunnel system for defence purposes. These passages were used during a siege of the city to approach the enemies underground and eliminate them.
During the Second World War, the citizens of Maastricht spent many anxious hours here while they took shelter as bombs dropped on their city.


Visit to the Zonneberg caves.
A spacious and well-structured system of about 80 kilometres of cathedral-like passages. An experienced guide will take you underground, where you will see many names and drawings of people. After all, a large part of the Maastricht population found refuge here during the Second World War. You will discover an evacuation area with electric lights, a public-address system, a bakery, toilets, chapels, a hospital, water pumping stations and much more.

  • 4 p.m. End.

Price without lunch: adults 16.90 euros • children under the age of 12 11.90 euros
Price for The Bridge guide: 60 euros (maximum of 25 persons/guide)
Period: all year except public holidays
