Wine Château Genoels-Elderen

With 22 hectares of vineyards, the wine château is the oldest, largest and most versatile wine estate in Belgium. 

During your visit, take a walk through the park surrounding the château and its beautiful arboretum of centuries-old rare trees, and familiarise yourself with the vastest vineyards of Belgium and the rose garden with nearly 1,000 rose bushes in 24 different types and colours.

Guides will take you to the old coach house with a state-of-the-art grape press, the distillery of the Limburg eau de vie and the heart of the wine château: the age-old and new wine cellars.

In an exciting, humorous and interactive way, you will be taught about the past, present and future of the domain, the work in the vineyards and the complete wine-making process from grape to wine.

Location Kasteelstraat 9, 3770 Riemst (Genoelselderen)


Duration of tour

2 hours (including 1 sample glass)

  • individual visit:
  • Group visits: entrance wine château, including 1 sample glass (5 cl): adults: 5 euros; children/youths under the age of 14 (including 1 glass of juice): 2.5 euros + guide fee (maximum of 25 persons/guide): Dutch-speaking 60 euros / French, English or German-speaking 66 euros (cash payment) + 15 euros per guide if the payment is made by bank card or invoice.

Tip: The cosy terrace of the wine château, with a beautiful view of the garden with pond, is a lovely place to be. You will also find a nice local produce store there!

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